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Tips to Prepare for the Heating Season

Technician working on a furnaceAre you one of the many lucky homeowners that have access to a gas furnace? Well, although you’re probably excited to have affordable heating for the winter to come, you’re also going to want to prepare the system before the season is in full swing. In the months between uses, furnaces can age and acquire cracks and issues that will make operating your HVAC in Woodstock, GA quite problematic.

If your face has contorted into a confused glare as you read this post, you’re not alone. Many homeowners don’t know that there’s a good amount of preparation for your heating system before it turns on for the extent of the winter. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through the process step by step.

Remember, if you’ve got any questions or notice anything out of the ordinary with your gas furnace, give our team a call!

Preparation for Winter

Surviving winter isn’t much of an issue in this day and age, but coming across furnace problems when you least expect it can be expensive and inconvenient. Preparing your heating system for the winter can minimize those problems as much as possible.

  • Check your furnace for cracks or leaks. This is the single most important thing you can do in preparation for the winter if you own a gas furnace. Gas and carbon monoxide leaks can be fatal if they aren’t caught ahead of time. If you notice any cracks on your furnace, either on the exhaust pipes or on the system itself, or if you smell gas, exit your home and contact a professional right away.
  • Clean around your furnace. Dust, debris, and anything that is extremely close to your furnace can be hazardous. This is especially true for materials that are combustible like paper, cloth, and wood. These materials should usually be kept at least 36 inches away from your furnace.
  • Check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. It doesn’t matter if you’re positive that there isn’t a leak in your system, these detectors are the first line of defense if a leak occurs at some point during the winter. Making sure your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are powered up and ready to go can be a literal life-saver.
  • Unblock vents. If you haven’t been using your furnace or air conditioning since the weather has been mild, make sure you inspect all your air vents accordingly. A single blocked air vent can lead a room to be extremely cold and can cause problems for your furnace. The HVAC system will start to compensate and work harder, increasing wear and tear on the system.

We’re not talking rocket science here, just a few things that any homeowner can do themselves! If you’ve taken the necessary precautions we listed and you’re still nervous about whether or not your furnace will make it through the winter, don’t hesitate to contact our team today. Professional technicians can give you a solid red or green light when you’re unsure about the health of a heater.