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Gas or Electric: Choosing a Fitting Furnace

Woman wearing mittens holding a hot cup of joeFurnaces, just like people, come in all shapes and sizes. This also means that they come with different fuel sources as well. We’re sure you’ve heard the words “gas furnace” or “electric furnace,” but many homeowners don’t actually know the difference between the two. Well, at least not beyond the fact that gas furnaces use gas and electric furnaces use electricity.

In reality, there are some key differences between gas and electric furnaces that can steer homeowners towards one automatically. Do you have access to a gas pipe? What kind of budget are you looking to spend on a heater installation? These are pertinent questions that relate to the major differences between these two systems.

Hopefully, with your curiosity and our expertise on HVAC in Milton, GA, we can help you get a solid grip on the real differences between these two heating systems.

Access to Fuel

The first and most important concern to have is whether or not you have access to a gas pipeline in your area. Gas furnaces run exclusively on natural gas that is run through municipal gas lines. Without access to natural gas, your options are going to be much more limited.

Gas Furnaces

Gas furnaces run on natural gas that comes directly from your municipality. If you’ve got access to gas, it can often be a more affordable choice than an electric furnace. Natural gas is cheap, burns cleanly, and is much safer to use than a lot of other fuel types. You never have to rely on deliveries of natural gas since it is always available from your local municipality.

That being said, gas-powered furnaces rely on the combustion process to run, which means they produce harmful emissions and risk leaking gas if your system ages or doesn’t receive the proper maintenance required. Not only that, but gas furnaces require piping to be installed that can connect to your local gas lines, which will be another investment you’ll need to make.

Electric Furnaces

The beauty of an electric furnace is that as long as you have electricity in your home (and if you’re reading this, that’s probably the case), you can have access to an electric furnace. While not as efficient in colder temperatures, and running more expensive than natural gas furnaces, electric systems can still warm your home considerably.

If you’ve had bad experiences with gas-powered systems in the past and you’d rather stay away from combustion, electric furnaces might be perfect for you. These systems take combustion entirely out of the equation, providing heat entirely from your electrical system. If you don’t have access to a gas pipeline or you’re hesitant to have gas burners in your home, ask about an electric furnace today!

Well, hopefully, this gives you a good idea of the major differences between the two types of systems. Heating is not a luxury, it’s a necessity, and providing quality heating advice and handiwork is our specialty.

Looking for a gas or electric furnace? Contact Premier Indoor Comfort Systems LLC 7 days a week for a personalized response for your needs. If we don’t have the answer, we will find it for you!