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3 FAQs About HVAC Ductwork

Answering Your Questions About Your Air Ducts

Our ductwork is often out of sight and, therefore, out of mind. When it comes to your home appliances and systems, your ductwork is relatively low maintenance. But it is not no-maintenance. It will need occasional cleaning by an HVAC professional. So, how do you know it’s time to schedule cleaning? Is it important that the cleaning be done by a professional? Below we look at three commonly asked questions about duct cleaning, providing helpful guidance that allows you to take charge of your air ducts.

#1: How Often Should My Ducts Be Cleaned?

Your air ducts need to be cleaned regularly. Typically, we recommend homeowners schedule regular duct cleaning every three to five years. This regular cleaning is crucial to ensuring that your system continues to run efficiently and that you get the full lifespan from your HVAC system and your ductwork. Duct cleaning also promotes a healthier air quality and a more comfortable home.

As with many home maintenance projects that don’t happen yearly, remembering to have your ducts cleaned can be difficult. We suggest you set a calendar reminder on your phone to alert you when it is time to schedule your next session. Not sure when you’re due for a cleaning? Give us a call, and we can let you know when your last service date was. If this is your first duct cleaning appointment with us? Our technicians will inspect your ductwork and help you determine how often you need to schedule cleaning.

#2: Can I Clean My Air Ducts Myself?

Generally speaking, no, you cannot clean your air ducts yourself. Duct cleaning is not a DIY project largely because most homeowners do not have the correct tools or the knowledge needed to complete the job safely and effectively. Duct cleaning involves removing your vent covers and vacuuming the dust and debris out of your vents. This isn’t easy to accomplish without a commercial shop vacuum. Furthermore, attempting to clean your ducts on your own may damage them.

Instead of trying to clean your ducts on your own, you can focus on maintaining your vents and registers. Using a vacuum cleaning or duster, regularly vacuum around the vents where cobwebs and dust usually accumulate. You should also change your HVAC air filter regularly (every 3-4 months). This will help remove some of the dust and other pollutants that can build up in your air ducts.

#3: What Happens If I Don’t Have My Ducts Cleaned?

We get it; duct cleaning can feel like one more thing on a long to-do list. You may wonder if it is even necessary or if you can put it off until next year. We do not recommend skipping duct cleaning. While your ducts only need cleaning every few years, dust, dirt, and other contaminants build up.

Not cleaning your ducts will eventually cause more and more pollutants to be pushed out into your home and eventually get pulled into your HVAC system. Not only does this make your home dirtier, exacerbate respiratory conditions, and put undue wear and tear on your HVAC system, but it can also allow major issues like pest problems and mold growth to proliferate.

The benefits of regular duct cleaning include:

  • Reduced allergy and asthma symptoms
  • Fewer instances of mold or mildew problems
  • Better indoor air quality, especially during allergy season
  • Less dust and dirt around your home
  • Improved HVAC efficiency

Bonus FAQ: How Do I Know If My Ducts Need Repair?

One of the largest problems associated with ductwork is heating and cooling loss. This can happen when your ductwork’s seals aren’t sound or when the ducts themselves are damaged. The number one sign that your air ducts need repair is a reduction in the efficiency or performance of your HVAC system. Other signs that your ducts might need cleaning or repair include foul smells, poor airflow, uneven temperatures, and increased energy bills. If you notice any of these issues, you should contact our duct cleaning and repair specialists for help.

Have more questions about air ducts? Call the HVAC team at Premier Indoor Comfort Systems, LLC.