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What Is a 2-Stage Furnace?

Have you ever wished that your furnace could operate on a variable level instead of putting out the same amount of heat whether it’s 40 degrees or minus 10 degrees? You can with a 2-stage furnace. Having two stages allows the furnace to operate at two different levels, depending on your heating needs. If you’ve been looking for a way to heat your home in accordance with the outside temperature, you may want to consider the installation of a 2-stage heating system for your Waynesville, NC home.

How Does It Work?

Every furnace has a maximum output of heat, given in BTUs (British thermal units). With a single-stage furnace, whenever the thermostat calls for heat, you get the maximum amount of heat from your furnace every time. This means that your furnace works at full capacity no matter what the temperature. With a 2-stage furnace, there are two settings at which the furnace operates, low and high, which allows your furnace to heat well but without being at full capacity if it isn’t needed.

Low and High Settings

The low setting is what a 2-stage furnace will operate at 75-80% of the time; the furnace will run at high capacity for the very cold days. When operating on low capacity, the heat cycles are longer but run at the lower capacity; this allows for more continuous heating and warmth for your home. When it is very cold outside, the furnace operates at the high setting, ensuring you have the heat and comfort you want.


  • More even, consistent heating – because the system operates at the low setting most of the time, you won’t have the spikes of heat and cooling-off period that can happen with a single-stage furnace. This creates more comfortable heating for your home.
  • Better energy efficiency – a 2-stage furnace consumes less fuel at the lower setting, making it more energy-efficient.
  • Less wear – a 2-stage furnace has longer run cycles, so there is less turning and off, which helps reduce the wear on the system.

A 2-stage furnace can help you increase your energy efficiency while allowing you to tailor your heating capacity right from the furnace.

If a 2-stage furnace sounds like a good option for your home, call the experts at Premier Indoor Comfort Systems today and schedule an appointment.