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Top Indoor Air Quality Problems You Are Likely to Have This Fall

Fall is very much underway, and if you’re like many people across the United States, you are probably making the switch or have already made the switch from air conditioning to heating. However, it’s important to remember that after months of disuse, your heater may not be functioning at peak condition. In addition to general maintenance issues, you will also want to watch out for indoor air quality problems. This is an especially big concern if you live in a part of the country where your heating system lies dormant for much of the year, or if you have allergy and asthma-sufferers in your house. Keep reading to learn about the top indoor air quality problems you are likely to have this fall (and what you can do about them,) and stay comfortable from season to season by hiring our experienced HVAC and IAQ experts at Premier Indoor Comfort Systems.

The Top 3 Indoor Air Quality Issues You Are Likely to Experience This Fall Are:

  1. Excess Dust: If your heater has sat dormant for months at a time, not receiving any maintenance and tune-ups, there is a very good chance that it has accumulated an excess amount of dust. That is why it is a good idea to call for periodic heating service, no matter what kind of system you have. With the assistance of an experienced technician, you will be able to ensure that your heater remains as clean as possible, and is less likely to spread dust from your HVAC ducts throughout the rest of your house. At Premier Indoor Comfort Systems, we also provide air duct cleaning and repair to minimize the amount of dust, dander, pollen, and other various debris and contaminants that may be in your system. And if you are not sure whether all the dust in your house is coming from your HVAC system, we offer duct testing as well, so you can always be sure your heating and cooling equipment is providing you with clean air.
  2. Dry Air: The air is drier in the fall and winter than it is during the spring and summer, and the effects of this dry air may also be exacerbated depending on what kind of heating system you have. If, for instance, you have a furnace that draws from the surrounding environment for the combustion process, it may bring dry air in from outdoors, making your entire home feel stuffy and stale. If this is the case in your home, it is a good idea to call our IAQ team at Premier Indoor Comfort Systems to install a whole-home humidifier or air purification system to reduce the overall amount of dryness in your air and help it feel cleaner and more breathable throughout the colder seasons.
  3. Poor Circulation: Premier Indoor Comfort Systems is proud to offer a full range of indoor air quality options to help you breathe easier and feel better no matter what time of year it is. From air cleaners and filters to exhaust fans and UV germicidal lights, our team is here to make life easier for those with allergies and respiratory issues, and to improve the comfort and well-being of everyone in your house. However, not all air quality issues can be solved by getting rid of contaminants and particulates. A lot of indoor air quality troubles also come down to poor circulation. If you are not getting proper airflow throughout your house, there is a good chance it is because your heater or larger HVAC system is not properly sized for your property. You could be dealing with a malfunctioning air handler, or in need of various replacement parts, too. It is also possible that your system was not installed correctly, and has been providing you with poor airflow for years. Contact our experts at Premier Indoor Comfort Systems to take a look at your equipment if this sounds familiar. We promise to help you get the equipment you need, so you can start enjoying better air circulation all year-round.

Call (770) 268-2422 now to improve your indoor air quality this fall, or contact us online anytime