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Indoor Air Quality and Thanksgiving

The thought of hosting Thanksgiving fills your mind with delicious and warm aromas. It’s a time that fills your stomach and home with your closest friends and family and a time when memories are made.

Thanksgiving preparations typically involve days of cooking and baking, with many people in one space. However, the hidden sources that cause indoor air pollution in your home are often overlooked.

Here are a few ways to be mindful of indoor air quality in preparation for this year’s upcoming holiday season!

Ventilate Your Kitchen

Although the smell of holiday cooking is one we love, proper ventilation is essential to maintaining healthy indoor quality. Poor ventilation can lead to headaches, nausea, fatigue, and more. There are many ways you can help eliminate the lingering aroma, and one of them is to ventilate! You can start by running your kitchen exhaust fan. You can also open your windows and doors if the weather permits it. Clean and fresh air can work wonders for your home and space!

November can bring along cold breezes, which sometimes makes windows a nonviable option. However, opening your windows can help eliminate the risk of pollutants and cooking fumes during your cooking process.

In addition, the best ventilation solution for your air quality would be installing a whole-home system that can move fresh air throughout your entire space! A whole-home system can help be cost-effective and low-maintenance.

Change Your Filters

Cleaning and maintaining your filters are critical to an enhanced indoor air experience. Your filters will work efficiently and correctly when cleaned and changed regularly. When it comes to your HVAC system, dirty and clogged filters result in poor indoor air quality.

By changing your filters, you are eliminating unwanted debris and particles from circulating within your home and are promoting a longer lifespan for your HVAC system. Before hosting this year’s Thanksgiving dinner, install new filters for you and your guests.

Control Your Humidity

Our heating system is needed to keep us warm and cozy in cold November weather. However, the dry air caused by the condensation from boiling and cooking leads to the indoor air quality losing moisture, intensifying dry air’s effects.

With humidity levels too dry or too moist, bacteria, pollen, and allergens find it easier to affect your home’s air quality. Therefore, installing a whole-home humidifier or dehumidifier can help control your home’s humidity levels.

Contact The Experts

Whatever your indoor air quality problems, contact the experts at Premier Indoor Comfort Systems, LLC today to learn more about installation, maintenance, or repair services for your home’s systems! Whatever your home needs, breathe easier knowing we can handle it.