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How Will I Know When It’s Time to Replace My Air Conditioning System?

Once you’ve enjoyed the last warm summer night, it’s easy to turn off your air conditioner and forget about it until the next summer season. If you’re thinking about replacing your air conditioner, now is the best time to schedule your replacement. During the offseason, you’ll have more time to make a measured decision instead of being forced to quickly choose a new unit during the height of summer.

How to Decide Between Replacement and Repair

The average HVAC system is between 14 and 16 years old when it is finally replaced. Typically, before a unit is replaced, it has undergone repairs to solve mechanical problems. Older systems are prone to problems, so homeowners are faced with deciding whether to replace their units or get another repair. Even if your older unit has been working without problem, preventive system replacement can help you avoid frustrating, untimely, and costly unit failures.

The biggest factors in determining whether to repair or replace your unit will be preference and expense. You want to save money and get the product and features you want. If your system is between seven and ten years old, your air conditioning system will not have the modern conveniences and technologies that provide greater comfort and mobile accessibility.

Why Replacing Your System Early Could Mean Big Savings

If you’re struggling to decide whether replacing your older model air conditioner is the smart choice, there are several very good reasons to upgrade your system if it’s more than ten years old. You can save money and time with an early replacement. You don’t have to wait for your system to break down before upgrading to a newer, more innovative model. You’re probably wondering why you would spend the money if you don’t have to yet. The short answer is that spending money on your system early could save you money in other parts of your home.

Why Fall Air Conditioning Upgrades Can Mean Replacement Flexibility

Replacing your system during the fall can give you the time you need to research and find the best products and service providers in your area. Also, air conditioning professionals have greater availability and flexibility during the offseason. You will have the chance to determine the best solution for your investment. Because an offseason replacement means you don’t currently need to use the system, you will also have time to make the right financing or payment choices to maximize your cost savings.

Environmentally Friendly Upgrades Save More than Money

Air conditioning systems have SEER ratings, which give buyers insight into the efficiency of an air conditioning unit. The higher the rating, the more efficient and environmentally friendly the appliance. The US Environmental Protection Agency helps consumers find energy-efficient systems by giving the most environmentally conscious and energy-efficient appliances their Energy Star label. Upgrading to an Energy Star system can mean over $100 annually in energy savings. When these energy-efficient systems are paired with programmable thermostats, the potential savings can provide an additional $150 per year or more. You can count on us to provide you with professional advice and high-quality upgrades and products. Call us today at (770) 268-2422 to schedule an appointment.