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How to Combat Common Autumn Indoor Air Quality Issues

Allergy issues aren’t in the minds of many people during the fall months. Seasonal allergy suffers typically see every month outside of spring as a break for their sinuses. While it’s true that most outdoor allergies are found in spring, many people suffer from indoor allergens that cause just as many problems for homeowners. Poor indoor air quality during autumn can mean serious upper respiratory issues and a less comfortable home.

4 Worst Autumn Indoor Air Quality Problems

Humidity Imbalances: When the humidity in a home is imbalanced, it can make the home extremely uncomfortable. Even when temperatures begin to dip during the fall, the humidity levels aren’t always immediately impacted. Just because it is autumn doesn’t mean that humidity levels will suddenly drop. Fall days can also have high humidity percentages. While humidity outdoors can’t be controlled, it can be regulated indoors. When the humidity levels indoors are imbalanced, mold growth or respiratory issues is the result. You can regulate your indoor humidity by using your air conditioner, but your air conditioner usage will begin to decline once it’s autumn. Once it’s too cool outdoors for air conditioning, you may need to find other ways to regulate humidity levels if it continues to present a problem. Installing a whole-home dehumidifier can help regulate humidity levels and create balance in your indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Pollution: Your HVAC system filters the air as it works to regulate the indoor temperature. Poor air quality can be significantly improved just by using your home’s HVAC system. The filter installed in your HVAC systems removes particles, pollutants, and many allergens from your air, but the quality and cleanliness of your filter will control the level of purification. A high-quality filter can make a huge difference in the quality of the air in your home. As autumn begins, it can signal the beginning of the indoor months. Where summertime is associated with time outdoors enjoying the season, fall can be the beginning of cozy days indoors, escaping cooler nights and mornings. When more time is spent indoors in airtight homes, it can lead to increased respiratory issues, like sinus infections, asthma, or indoor allergies. Pleated filters are among the most effective in trapping the highest number of pollutants. While the type of filter is important, it’s also equally important that filters are replaced every two to three months. A dirty filter is useless, regardless of the quality. If a high-quality air filter isn’t enough to combat air quality concerns in your home, installing an in-duct air purification system may be the answer. Installed air purifiers work in concert with your HVAC system to provide higher-level air cleaning technology.

Daily Fluctuating Temperatures: Once it’s fall, the mornings and nights can become chilly or extremely cold, while the days may still reach early summer temperatures. Switching between heating and cooling functions within the same day can leave your HVAC system feeling overwhelmed. If you find yourself switching back and forth between heating and cooling mechanisms within the same day, it can lead to reduced HVAC effectiveness and poor air quality. Technological advancements like smart thermostats and programming units can help create a more streamlined way to control these fluctuating temperatures without putting unnecessary stress on your HVAC system.

Circulation Issues: Air circulation is the exchange of fresh air from outdoors replacing and mingling with the air within your home. Circulation issues aren’t always easily diagnosed. It can be difficult to know how much fresh air is needed to create a healthy balance. In areas of your home where the circulation is poor, allergens and dirty air linger longer, creating a stale and uncomfortable area of your home. During fall, dust mites can run rampant, so it’s important not to allow the air to become too stale. Your HVAC professional can help you create a circulation pattern that pulls the right amount of fresh air indoors. Your HVAC specialist may suggest adding a ventilation system that can be used to better regulate the balance between fresh and treated air. You can count on us to provide you with professional services and quality products. Call us now at (770) 268-2422 to schedule an appointment with Premier Indoor Comfort Systems!