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How Old Is Your A/C Unit? Here’s How to Tell.

A/C units tend to work overtime in the summer months. As temperatures rise, these air-cooling systems run all day to make sure every family can live in comfortable living conditions. But if your unit starts to experience malfunctions it could be time to replace the entire system altogether. One contributing factor to replacing a unit vs. repairing it is to identify the age of your current unit. Here are a few different ways to accomplish this:

Nameplate or Sticker

Most A/C units will have a nameplate or sticker located somewhere on the outer body of the system. This sticker will include vital information such as the brand, version, model, and serial number. Occasionally it could also include the date it was made. While this won’t always be the most accurate indication as to the age of your unit, it could be the closest you’ll get to figuring out an exact age. This is because the date your system was made will closely line up with the date it was installed. In most instances, a unit will not sit in a storage closet for months before installation. After it’s made, it will be transferred to the provider who will install it within weeks.

Installation Paperwork

Another way to figure out the age of your system is to search for the paperwork you received after the installation was completed. Since we live in a digital age, it’s understandable if you have no idea where these documents are located in your house. Most customers file these papers away, but they tend to get lost during moves or relocations. One way to find a copy of these forms is to contact the company that installed your A/C unit. Any reliable HVAC company will keep these papers on file, either in a filing cabinet or online.

Online Research

Though not recommended, it is possible that you haven’t had any A/C maintenance in years and don’t remember the name of the HVAC company you originally hired. If this is the case, you should refer back to finding the nameplate or sticker on your system. Once you’ve found the make and model of your unit, it’s time to start doing some online research. Running the name of your unit through a search engine can better assist you in hunting down the age of your system.

It should be noted that not all websites or information online will be accurate. While online research can be beneficial to track down the age of your A/C unit, you should always be sure to confirm the age with an HVAC professional.

Schedule an A/C Maintenance Check-up

At Premier Indoor Comfort Systems, our team of HVAC professionals would be happy to consult with you about the age of your system. We can also run diagnostics on the different parts of your system to see how it’s performing and determine if it’s time for a new unit or if can simply replace a couple of parts.

For more information regarding the age of your A/C unit and how it could affect your living conditions, contact Premier Indoor Comfort Systems today!