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Do You Need End of Summer AC Maintenance?

August is almost over, and we are barreling towards September and the end of another summer. We all hope to enjoy a few weeks between summer and fall, where we don’t have to use our air conditioning around the clock. The period between summer and fall is an ideal time to schedule end-of-summer maintenance for your air conditioning system. After working so hard to keep you cool during the summer, it’s the least you could you. It’s not advised to attempt to perform an end of season maintenance on your air conditioner without HVAC training. A professional technician will have the experience and knowledge to spot problems and safely examine your system without causing problems.

When Should Homeowners Schedule Service?

The best time of year to service your air conditioning system is up for debate, but that’s not why we’re here. All air conditioning maintenance is a good thing as far as we’re concerned at Premier Indoor Comfort, but there are a few reasons why end-of-summer maintenance could be more beneficial to your system. Because the summer months are the height of AC usage season, most of your system’s workload happens in three to four short months. You don’t want to send your system into cooldown or appliance hibernation without a proper checkup.

An end of season maintenance usually includes:

  • Filter Change: The summer season is marked by hot days and evenings. The heat seems never to give a degree of relief, so system maintenance sometimes takes a back seat to the needs of the house. You have an air conditioner because you don’t want to turn it off for even a moment or do anything that will disrupt your steady flow of air. Replacing the filter won’t interrupt your system’s operation but ignoring filter replacement for an entire season happens more than people realize – but that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. But people get busy and leave it for later. That’s why it’s important to get a maintenance check at the end of the season, so you don’t forget. A new filter will increase your system’s efficiency and contribute to improved air quality.
  • Inspection: After a hot summer, your air conditioner needs to be checked. The outdoor condenser and the interior components need to be examined for wear and tear. If your technician finds damage, this is when you want to have it replaced, when it’s not unbearably hot.
  • Cleaning: Your filter is just one part of your air conditioner that needs to be cleaned. Dust and debris are pulled into your unit over the summer months, and you need a technician to clean out the unit and give you a fresh slate to start the season next year.

Scheduling end-of-season maintenance for your air conditioner will save you money on repairs found early before a system malfunction can occur, and it will ensure your system works well should you have to turn it on during an uncharacteristically hot fall day. Maintaining your system is never a bad idea, and it will always increase the efficiency of your system.

Air Conditioning Maintenance at Premier Indoor Comfort

At Premier Indoor Comfort, we realize that your air conditioner is an important part of your home comfort systems, and we work hard to keep it in optimal shape. Customers choose us because we take our jobs seriously and we don’t settle for second-rate work. Call our HVAC specialists today at (770) 268-2422 or contact us online for more information about the products and services we provide.