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Can Air Filters Help Protect Me from the Coronavirus?

In the last week, national and global concerns about the Coronavirus have risen to a fever pitch. Ever since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Covid-19 Coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, panic has spread across the United States. For many, now is the time to do everything they can to prepare for the worst.

However, with all this panic, there has also been a lot of misinformation. For those in the HVAC industry, we’ve seen people start to ask, “can air filters help protect me from the Coronavirus?” Luckily, our experts at Premier Comfort Systems are here with the information you need.

The Benefits Air Filters Can Have for Your Health

First thing’s first—no, air filters are NOT an effective means of protection from the Coronavirus. That being said, there are many benefits air filters have for your overall health, especially in times like this.

HEPA filters are known for removing 99.9% of allergens 0.3 microns or larger from your air. Charcoal filters are also extremely effective for getting rid of certain contaminants. Why does this matter during a pandemic? In short, there is harmful organic matter floating around your air every day. Everything from mold spores to certain bacteria can make their way into your lungs, causing respiratory sickness and infections that will take up the attention of your immune system. And if there’s one thing we all know right now, it’s that we need to protect our immune systems and stay healthy, in case someone we know is diagnosed with COVID-19.

Air Quality & The Coronavirus

While purchasing something like an air filter or air purifier might reduce your chances of getting sick in the broadest sense, this type of device is unlikely to be effective at fighting the Coronavirus itself—unless you somehow have access to an industrial, hospital-grade model. Again though, it’s worth reiterating that protecting your air quality is extremely important now, along with all the other health precautions you should be taking. Try not to panic, and follow the advice from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control): wash and sanitize your hands frequently, avoid traveling and crowded places, and try not to interact with people who have been recently out of the country.

Meanwhile, make sure to contact Premier Comfort Systems for all your indoor air quality needs. In addition to air filters, purifiers, and cleaners, we also offer humidifiers and dehumidifiers, UV germicidal lights, ventilation control systems, and more. Call us today for duct cleaning or another service, and let our indoor air quality experts help keep you and your family healthy and safe.

Contact us 24/7 at (770) 268-2422, or send us a message online.