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How to Get Your AC Through a Heat Wave: 7 Tips

You never need your air conditioner more than during a heat wave, but ironically, heat waves are exactly when your AC is most likely to fail. This is because extended periods of extreme heat put a lot of strain on air conditioning equipment.

Fortunately, there are multiple ways that you can help your AC out during heat waves. Check out our tips below!

1. Make sure your AC has a clean air filter.

A dirty air filter blocks airflow into your air conditioner. This forces the equipment to work harder than necessary and can even lead to overheating and part failures.

2. Clear weeds, shrubs, and bushes away from the outdoor unit.

Your AC’s outdoor unit (the condenser) releases heat absorbed from your indoor air. Without enough “breathing room,” the condenser will struggle to perform efficiently. Give the unit at least 1 foot of horizontal clearance on all sides.

3. Turn on your fans.

Sitting directly in front of a fan can make you feel up to 10 degrees cooler. Reduce your reliance on your AC by using fans in whatever room you’re occupying. You’ll not only give your AC a break, but you’ll also be saving money on your electricity bill because fans use significantly less energy than central cooling systems.

4. Make sure your windows are shut tightly.

During a heat wave, there’s no point in opening your windows to let in a breeze. You’ll only let in heat from outdoors, giving your AC more work to do. You can enhance your windows’ ability to block out heat by sealing them with caulk or weatherstripping and covering them with energy-efficient window attachments.

5. Close your window coverings.

Keeping window treatments closed is especially important in rooms that get afternoon sun. According to the Department of Energy, about 76% of the sunlight that falls on standard double-pane windows enters to become heat during cooling seasons. That’s a lot of extra heat inside your home that’s going to make your AC’s job harder.

6. Avoid using heat-generating appliances.

Appliances like your stove, oven, dishwasher, clothes washing machine, and dryer all add heat to your home. If you need to use these appliances, try to use them early in the day or later in the evening after the worst of the heat outdoors has let up.

7. Prepare no-cook meals.

If possible, prepare foods that don’t require your oven or stovetop, such as:

  • Cold-cut sandwiches
  • Veggie, fruit, and pasta salads
  • Yogurt parfaits

Here are some additional no-cook meal ideas!

Has Your AC Had a Tune-Up?

Preventative maintenance is the best way to ensure your air conditioner is ready to take on a heat wave. For reliable AC tune-ups and repairs, don’t hesitate to call Premier Indoor Comfort Systems, LLC: (770) 268-2422.