Are Solar Panels Hard to Repair?
We understand the concern; the workings of solar power are not yet common knowledge (although with the increase of solar installation, they may become so soon), and the photovoltaic (PV) panels look like they might be fragile.
We’ll get to the bottom of solar panel repair and its difficulty to show you the sort of investment you can expect when you decide to hook up your home for solar energy.
For installation, maintenance, and solar repair in Marietta, GA, look to the trained and certified specialists at Premier Indoor Comfort Systems. Call us today!
Solar panels and repair needs
Solar power systems are incredibly durable, and because they contain few moving parts, they rarely need repairs of any kind. A solar power array can last for many years, enduring far longer than standard electrical and fuel-powered systems.
The principle concern with solar power is damage inflicted on the PV panels. However, the covers over the panels are flexible and highly damage-resistant. A simple hard rain will do no major injury to them. It requires more extreme weather conditions, falling branches, and tossed stones to inflict damage that can crack the casing over the PV cells and stop them from working. In some cases, the mounting frame for the panels and the cables holding the frame can come loose; although this will need repair, it is highly unlikely that the entire frame will break away from the top of the roof.
When breaks on the covers occur, the repair work is not difficult for a professional. The solar expert will go onto to roof and inspect which of the panels have broken covers, and then check to see if the PV cells are still working. If they are, the repair technician only needs to replace the cover or patch the cracks. The technician will also check for loose connections and repair them.
In cases of non-working PV cells, the cell will need replacement. Again, this is not a difficult procedure and should only take a short time.
In general, you can expect to have fewer repair calls for your solar power system than you ever did for your furnace, boiler, heat pump, or air conditioner. With proper solar installation in Marietta, GA, solar repair will be a rare occurrence. Make sure to have the skilled solar experts at Premier Indoor Comfort Systems take care of your solar installation, maintenance, and repair work.