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What is an HVAC Damper?

Most people assume that controlling the flow of air from an HVAC system is as simple as adjusting their air vents. However, this is not necessarily the case. Most modern HVAC systems are equipped with dampers, which are used to…

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Why Is My AC Leaking Inside My House?

At first, it might appear to be a plumbing pipe leaking through your ceiling. Upon closer inspection, however, you realize that the leak is coming from your indoor air conditioning unit! To help you through this situation, we'll tell you…

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Do I Need a New AC?

As a homeowner, we understand that you dread the inevitable event of replacing your AC. Air conditioners are a large investment, but is it really worth putting off an upgrade and continuing to pour all of your money into frequent…

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How to Get Your AC Ready for Summer

Can you believe summer is already just around the corner? We can’t either! With temperatures on the rise, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is prepped and ready to go for this summer. We know the last thing…

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How UV Germicidal Lights Clean Air in Homes and Hospitals

Thanks to advanced learning and scientific discoveries, we’ve known for a long time that even microscopic organisms can have an immense impact on our health and comfort. Harmful microorganisms can aggravate allergies, trigger asthma, and make us severely ill. Some,…

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